Communication is currently a very important process and the finest activity in all educational institutions. Teachers communicate with students’ parents to help them improve their academic performance. Communication in schools should be smooth – not just between parents and teachers but also across departments, which should be done swiftly and efficiently. SAKAL APP messaging feature enables everyone to engage with one another and exchange information effortlessly throughout the school.

Simple and Easy to Use the Messaging System

The School SMS Notifications and Messaging system can communicate frequent updates and information online with other highly linked systems, which is a significant improvement over the previous generation. Anyone who has the necessary permissions will be able to access all data from any location on the campus at any time.

For Teachers and Parents

Teachers may utilize parent messaging to send messages to the parents of a single kid or the whole class, further streamlining the communication process for everyone involved. Parents, in turn, may use the Private Messaging tool in the Parent Portal to send instructors or administrators private text messages with questions, comments, or concerns in a confidential manner.

For Groups

When you send regular emails to a particular group of parents, such as the debate team, you may build a recipient list in your email program similar to a contact group that contains those individuals. This saves you the time to add each person individually to your communications each time you send them out.

Top Features of Our School Messaging System

Using the School SMS Notifications & Messaging function has a few key advantages, including the following:

  • Default templates are provided for delivering messages from a specific message library.
  • Messages are sent book appointments automatically without any delays.
  • Staff, students, and parents may be notified of an urgent meeting or information by email.
  • Use school text messages to educate and notify students, parents, and staff about important information such as transportation updates, class cancellations/assignments, special courses, test timetables, holiday updates, etc.
  • Parents and kids received fast results, allowing them to know their grades instantly.
  • Details regarding students’ dues, fees, and deadlines for making payments may also be shared with their parents.
  • Invitations to school festivals and activities and birthday wishes may be sent to both parents and students.

However, further advantages of the ERP SMS Notifications & Messaging system should be mentioned as the functions mentioned above. These additional benefits include the following:

  • There is effective contact between parents, school administrators, and instructors.
  • Receive one-way signals from the school as soon as possible to disregard problems.
  • It aids in enhancing the institution’s public perception.
  • Why Keeping every single cent that might be spent on sophisticated instruments results in a significant benefit for the institution.
  • Preserves the SMS transaction history for use in subsequent transactions.
  • Reduction in the cost of staffing.
  • Keep all of your paperwork and associated expenditures.
  • Perform a large number of processes in a short period and hours.

With the School SMS Notifications & Messaging feature, it is now feasible for schools to run more efficiently with fewer employees. It is time to transform schools into smart technology schools by digitizing them.